Personal, social and health education

Creativity Assembly!
This fun and original assembly aids children in understanding the value of being creative in all of their endeavours, through:
Understanding what creativity is, and recognising why it is such an important skill;
Understanding that creativity is a trait within everyone (including themselves) that should be encouraged and harnessed;
Observing some amazing examples of what creativity can result in;
Learning strategies to demonstrate creativity in their own lives.
This assembly is tried and tested, and has always been really well received in the past. The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people.
The session also includes a fun role-play task to demonstrate how everyone can be creative and the internet link to a beautiful, thought-provoking video demonstrating the power of creativity. There are also various discussion prompts to enable children to understand how they can be creative in different areas of their own lives.
The slides are fairly self-explanatory, but I’ve included guidance notes to assist the speaker. Hope that you find this useful!

Building Resilience Assembly!
This assembly aims to assist children in becoming resilient learners who are more willing to approach tasks, keep trying when tasks become difficult, and learn from their mistakes.
I love giving this assembly because I feel that the key message within it is so vital. More importantly, wherever I have given this assembly (to a wide-range of students from a wide-range of contexts) it has always gone down extremely well, with students being extremely engaged and informing me of their increased resilience in the months that follow!
The slides are visually engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. For example, there are references to Justin Bieber, Beyonce, Andy Murray, JK Rowling and a host of other successful people in the public eye who have needed to overcome difficulties. There is also a hyperlink to a music video which utilises a ‘Rude Goldberg Machine’ which has been painstakingly set up, through months of set-backs and sticking points, to achieve an extraordinary result.
The slides are fairly self-explanatory, but I’ve included guidance notes to assist the speaker. Hope that you find this useful!

Black History Month Assembly!
This fun and original assembly is designed to teach children all about Black History Month, including:
-What Black History Month is;
-Why we have Black History Month;
-What life has been like for Black British people in the past and what it is like today;
-Providing examples of influential Black British people and what they have achieved;
-How Black History Month is celebrated.
The slides are visually-engaging and well-presented, and the subject matter is tailored to the interests and needs of young people. It includes links to well-chosen videos to emphasise/ reinforce key points, in addition to song suggestions.
There is enough here for a 30-35 minute assembly (it is 21 slides long), but of course you can cut bits out/ tailor to your own individual needs. No further resources are required, everything that you need to present the assembly is included. I would say that the assembly is ideally pitched at KS2, but both KS3 and KS1 would be able to access it with only minor vocabulary/ language adaptations.
The slides are fairly self-explanatory, but I’ve included guidance notes to assist the speaker. Hope that you find this useful!

Dragons' Den Persuasive Project! (Building Speaking & Listening and Persuasive Writing Skills!)
This resource is perfect for enabling students to build both their persuasive writing and their speaking and listening skills. Based upon the popular BBC series 'Dragons' Den', students have the opportunity to research, design, pitch, and evaluate arguments for their own inventions, whilst simultaneously analysing persuasive pitches, revising persuasive techniques, structuring arguments and articulating convincingly.
Included is a 16 page booklet (I would say at least 4-5 hour lessons of tasks) that lead students to:
- Introduce themselves and their interests;
- Watch persuasive pitches (links included) and identify persuasive devices;
- Analyse why persuasive devices are effective;
- Structure an analysis appropriately;
- Brainstorm ideas for an invention using imagination and helpful aiding questions;
- Formulate an argument by considering key questions and counter arguments;
- Write and present a persuasive pitch;
- Peer-evaluate and self-evaluate persuasive pitches.
I have also provided some examples of news stories featuring the worst and best pitches from the den, in order to provoke discussion about what makes a strong pitch.
All images are licensed for commercial use and are cited throughout.

Murder Mystery Investigation!
There's been a murder!
This exciting, engaging investigation activity allows students to control the direction of their own learning, through speaking, listening, discussing, and reasoning. I initially created these resources to provide something interesting for the students to engage with for their Functional Skills Speaking and Listening discussions, but it has since been used across Citizenship and PSHE departments, as well as by form groups, as a catalyst for social and moral discussions.
Students play detectives aiming to solve the case of a death of an old lady. Using a range of evidence, from video clips, to interviews with key suspects, to positioning events on maps, students work in teams to try and solve the case. They must use skills of communication, to decide which leads to prioritise, and which evidence to discount. They also need to use their skills of literacy, to read and understand key evidence, and skills of numeracy to ensure that they keep their case within budget!
Included in this resource pack are:
- Full PowerPoint lesson talking students through the case;
- A range of 'Exhibits' - evidence that the students use to build a case, including video clips;
- A map of the local area, to help visualise the events leading up to the death;
- Budgetting and recording sheets to track their progress;
- A prime supsects list;
- Clue cards containing interviews with prime supsects;
- Full teacher guidance.
Considering the time and effort that it took to create these resources, I think that they offer exceptional value. Whenever I have used this activity before, it has taken at least 2-3 lessons, including the introduction, investigation, conclusions, and evaluation. I orignally have used this with lower ability Year 8,9, and 10 groups, but colleagues have adapted it easily for students of all key stages.
All images have been cited at the end of the PowerPoint presentation and are licensed for commercial use.

Stating Your Case for the World's Greatest Sportsperson!
In this engaging and interactive lesson, students make the case for who they feel is the greatest sportsperson of all time. Within the lesson they develop skills of: persuasive writing, independent researching, personal and social comprehension, and speaking and listening. By the end of the lesson, students write and present their own case for the world's greatest sportsperson, using individually researched subject matter, structural advice, and understanding of persuasive techniques.
The learning follows a logical, bitesize journey, in which students:
- Discuss and define the key features of what they think makes a sportsperson 'great';
- Research how their own contender meets the features of greatness, using a well-scaffolded research template;
- Understand and exemplify each of the persuasive techniques, useful in convincing others of their case;
- Critically analyse the language, subject matter, and structure of a model example of a World's Greatest Sportsperson article;
- Write, present, and assess their own article.
Included is everything that you need to teach, including:
- Comprehensive, well-presented whole-lesson PowerPoint (students are led through the learning journey by an animated Usain Bolt character!);
- Research template and completed model example;
- Persuasive device cards for the card-sorting activity;
- Model example of a completed 'World's Greatest Sportsperson' article;
- Lesson plan.
This would be perfect as a part of an English persuasive writing or speaking and listening unit, a PSHE/Citizenship study of people and their achievements, or a Cross-Curricular activity for less structured learning time.
All images are licensed for commercial use, and are cited on the final slide of the presentation.
Bundle Sale

Stone Cold Big Bundle!
This engaging, varied, and informative scheme of learning is designed to help students gain understanding, assessment skills, and key interpretations of Robert Swindells’ ‘Stone Cold.’ Made up of a wide-range of interesting and exciting lessons, students should complete this scheme having gathered vital skills in: interpreting the significant meanings of the text, understanding the writer’s ideas within the text, identifying the traits of key characters, settings, and themes, understanding dramatic and language devices, and relating the text to its social and historical context.
Stimulating, visual, and easily adaptable, these lessons provide suggested learning objectives and outcomes for students of a wide-range of abilities - The vast majority of tasks are differentiated to allow for different abilities and needs in your classroom. Each lesson loosely follows this logical learning journey to ensure that students learn in bite-size steps:
- Engaging
- Defining/ Understanding
- Identifying/Remembering
- Analysing/ Creating
- Peer or self evaluating.
All of the lessons are interactive, employ a variety of different teaching and learning methods and styles, and are visually-engaging. Resources, worksheets, and lesson plans are all provided.

Representations in Media Studies
This visually-engaging and informative resource is perfect for helping Media students to understand the key concept of Representations. Through a range of different and interesting tasks , students learn to identify and understand representations at work in the media, and become familiar with key terms such as 'stereotyping; and 'aspects of character.'
The learning journey is progressive and step-by-step, allowing for bite-size chunks of progress to be evident and regular intervals. Students learn to:
- Understand that everyone sees images and ideas differently;
- Define the key terms 'representations' and 'stereotypes;'
- Understand some common representations and stereotypes;
- Analyse the reasoning and effects of different representations;
- Analyse how different characters are represented in a key media text.
The key media text that I have chosen for the main analysis task is the movie 'Warrior' (2011) starring Tom Hardy, but the resources can be easily adapted to suit different media texts should you choose to.
All images are licensed for commercial use and are cited on the final slide of the presentation.

PSHE: Being My Best - Year 1 Knowledge Organiser!
This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Being My Best’ at Year 1 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance
It includes sections on:
-Overview and Recap of Prior Learning;
-Developing Myself - Learning and Lines and Growth Mindset;
-Being Healthy and Safe - Balanced Diet and Catch It, Bin It, Kill It;
-Helping Others - Encouragement and Praise and Positive Behaviours;
-Key Vocabulary.
The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).

PSHE: Being My Best - Year 2 Knowledge Organiser!
This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Being My Best’ at Year 2 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance
It includes sections on:
-Overview and Recap of Prior Learning;
-Developing Myself - Learning and Lines and Making Choices;
-Being Healthy and Safe - Healthy Lifestyles and Exercise;
-Helping Others - Our Bodies and Looking after Teeth;
-Key Vocabulary.
The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).

PSHE: Growing and Changing - Year 1 Knowledge Organiser!
This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Growing and Changing’ at Year 1 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance
It includes sections on:
-Overview and Recap of Prior Learning;
-Healthy Relationships - Special People, Surprises and Secrets, Unkindness, Teasing and Bullying and Listening & Touching;
-Knowing Our Bodies -Inside our Bodies, How Have We Changed?;
-RSE Content - Keeping Privates Private, Toilet Changes;
-Key Vocabulary.
The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).

PSHE: Valuing Difference - Year 1 Knowledge Organiser!
This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Valuing Difference’ at Year 1 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance
It includes sections on:
-Overview and Recap of Prior Learning;
-Relationships with Others - Special People, Unkindness, Teasing and Bullying;
-Similarities and Differences - Similarities, Differences, How are we Similar and Different?;
-Our Behaviour - Rules, Fairness;
-Key Vocabulary.
The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).

PSHE: Growing and Changing - Year 2 Knowledge Organiser!
This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Growing and Changing’ at Year 2 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance
It includes sections on:
-Overview and Recap of Prior Learning;
-Healthy Relationships - A Helping Hand, Loss, Listening and Touching;
-Knowing Our Bodies -Our Unique Bodies, Basic First Aid;
-RSE Content - Respecting Privacy, Places for Privacy;
-Key Vocabulary.
The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).

PSHE: Valuing Difference - Year 2 Knowledge Organiser!
This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Valuing Difference’ at Year 2 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance
It includes sections on:
-Overview and Recap of Prior Learning;
-Relationships with Others - Special People, Acts of Kindness;
-Similarities and Differences - Similarities, Differences, What Makes Us Who We Are?;
-Our Behaviour - Including Others, Solving Problems;
-Key Vocabulary.
The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).

PSHE: Keeping Myself Safe - Year 1 Knowledge Organiser!
This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Keeping Myself Safe’ at Year 1 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance
It includes sections on:
-Overview and Recap of Prior Learning;
-Health - Healthy Living and Illness;
-Wellbeing - Who Can Help? and Sleep;
-Relationships - Good and Bad Touches and Loss;
-Key Vocabulary.
The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).

PSHE: Keeping Myself Safe - Year 2 Knowledge Organiser!
This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Keeping Myself Safe’ at Year 2 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance
It includes sections on:
-Overview and Recap of Prior Learning;
-Health - Varied Diet, Illness and Medication;
-Wellbeing - Feeling Safe and Knowing How to Respond;
-Relationships - Likes and Dislikes and Secrets;
-Key Vocabulary.
The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).

PSHE: Me and My Relationships - Year 2 Knowledge Organiser!
This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for children, teachers and parents learning about ‘Me and My Relationships’ at Year 2 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance
It includes sections on:
-Overview and Recap of Prior Learning;
-Healthy Relationships - Feeling Safe, Surprises and Secrets, Bullying, Appropriate Touching;
-Feelings and Emotions - Thinking about Feelings, Affecting Feelings;
-Being Kind - Helping Others and Acts of Kindness;
-Key Vocabulary.
The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).

PSHE: Rights and Responsibilities - Year 1 Knowledge Organiser!
This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Rights and Responsibilities’ at Year 1 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance
It includes sections on:
-Overview and Recap of Prior Learning;
-Staying Healthy and Safe - Daily Routines;
-People and Environments - Our School, Living Things, First Aid;
-Money - What is Money? How is it Used? Looking after Money;
-Key Vocabulary.
The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).

PSHE: Rights and Responsibilities - Year 2 Knowledge Organiser!
This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource offers a complete reference point for covering ‘Rights and Responsibilities’ at Year 2 in PSHE. The organiser is clear, logical and fully meets all requirements for the PSHE curriculum, including the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance
It includes sections on:
-Overview and Recap of Prior Learning;
-Staying Healthy and Safe -Feeling Safe;
-People and Environments - The Environment, Getting Along with Others;
-Money - What is Money? Spending or Saving;
-Key Vocabulary.
The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).

EYFS Learning in PSHE - Knowledge Organiser!
This clear, detailed and visually-appealing resource helps to detail and categorise the foundation Personal, Social and Health Education learning that takes place in the EYFS stage.
It is an important resource for EYFS teachers and parents, but also PSHE subject leaders to aid the development of a clearly-mapped and well-sequenced PSHE curriculum across the school.
This organiser groups the PSHE related learning into the relevant EYFS areas of learning, including:
-Personal, Social and Emotional Development;
-Understanding the World;
-Physical Development.
The resource is designed to be printed onto A3, and is provided as both a PDF and a Word version (so that you can edit if you want to). All images used are licensed for commercial use and are cited on a separate document (included).